DEGC Brochure

Show them what you've got in smart, tasteful ways.

When reps from Octane Design had a casual chat with the team at the Detroit Economic Growth Corporation (DEGC) about some website work in 2017, the conversation ended up veering in a different direction. While we were too late to the table for the website project, DEGC was so impressed with our print design capabilities that they signed us on to help create key materials to promote the city of Detroit and its recent growth — which is basically the purpose of the corporation as a whole.

Marketing Material

Challenge: Why Detroit?

DEGC was getting ready to host a site tour and immersion event that was bringing in very targeted business people and out-of-state investors who were interested in seeing all the good happening in the region and the potential for more. They needed a visually attractive, well-positioned anchor takeaway piece that would give everyone in attendance a true sense for what Detroit had to offer in terms of its economic development, business community and real estate opportunities.

Strategy: Have 'em walk away with a piece of the D

In an extremely short timeframe, Octane Design did just that. From a basic powerpoint presentation, we created a clean, easy-to-read brochure with vibrant photographs and a well-balanced mix of text to visuals that gives readers a clear snapshot of why investing in Detroit is a smart idea. It’s simple in its design, packing a powerful amount of information in a short amount of pages.

We also created cut sheets for the DEGC specific to the area’s office site and manufacturing real estate opportunities for easy distribution during potential investor tours.

Result: A global resource

The brochure was so well received that the DEGC requested the pieces be printed in several other languages, including Chinese, Japanese and German.

Let's work together

If you’re in need of editorial direction, content creation or custom publishing, contact us today and we’ll help you hit the ground running.